Game Programming Syllabus

Game Programming Notes 2020 for the development of game are listed. The Syllabus of the Game Programming are given as in the list below:

Game Programming Notes 2020
Game Programming Notes 2020

The Topic covered in the Game Programming Notes 2020 are given as :
  • 3D
  • 3D Transformations
  • Modelling
  • Quaternions
  • 3D Modeling
  • Rendering
  • Ray Tracing
  • Shader Models
  • Lighting
  • Tracing
  • Color
  • Texturing
  • Camera
  • Projections
  • Culling
  • Animation
  • Clipping
  • Character Animation
  • Physics
  • Simulation
  • Graphs
  • Scene Graphs
  • Game engine architecture
  • Game engine
  • support systems
  • Engine support systems
  • Resources
  • File systems
  • Game
  • realtime
  • Game loop
  • Interface devices
  • Human Interface
  • realtime simulation
  • Human Interface devices
  • Collision
  • rigid
  • dynamics
  • rigid body dynamics
  • profiling
  • Game profiling
  • Application layer
  • layer
  • logic
  • Game logic
  • Game views
  • managing memory
  • main loop
  • game data
  • caching
  • loading
  • User Interface
  • caching game data
  • Game event
  • User Interface management
  • Game event management
  • 2D
  • 3D Game
  • Flash
  • DirectX
  • Java
  • Python
  • Game engines
  • DX
  • DX Studio
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